Thank you for all of your support for the Deputy Bolter fundraiser!
You bought over 500 shirts and 270 stickers. We're getting everything ordered and the numbers figured out. We'll update soon with how much is going to go to Abbey.
Please keep you eyes on your email and our IG. We're anticipating May 11th-12th for when your orders should be ready. More info to come on pickup times and location!
Deputy Tobin Bolter Memorial Benefitting his wife Abbey and unborn baby.
The presale ended May 1st.

From the artist Matthew - @arcane_theory
"When I woke up on Sunday and read the story, I drew it because of him.
I hugely respect what you all do and while I never met Deputy Bolter, it broke my heart to hear because yall are literally here to protect and help any and all of us, which is an incredibly tall order, but yall do it regardless. It takes a truly special person to do what you all do everyday, it’s selfless in every sense of the word and I personally don’t think yall get the credit yall deserve.
I just wanted to give back in a way I knew I could and honor Deptuy Bolter. They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words and while I didn’t have the words at the time, I knew by drawing how I felt, it might make a bigger impact."
From Jimmy at American Arsenal
When Matthew reposted this amazing piece on Monday I knew I had to get it and share it with everyone. After acquiring the rights we went to work designing a shirt that would help keep Tobin's memory alive, recognize his selfless service, his love of God and benefit his family.
All profits that are made with the sale of this shirt and sticker will benefit his wife and unborn baby. To keep things totally straight the money will be paid to the ACSEA (Ada County Sheriff's Employees Association) who will then pay Abbey.
If you want to make a direct donation you can:
Venmo: @ACSEA
Idaho Central Credit Union Account:
Routing number: 324173626
Account number: 737631173
Thank you for your love and support of a fallen brother.
God bless.
Please note: This is a presale that will close on May 1st at midnight. All shirts are printed locally in Star, Idaho. We'll work diligently to get your items to you by the first week of May.